Formal procedure for analyzing the properties of a solid municipal waste management system based on the provisions of evergetics, reliability theory apparatus, and GIS technologies
At present, the problem of organizing a system for handling municipal solid waste (MSW) is most acute, as in most Russian regions, and throughout the world. Various environmental and economic problems, as well as problems related to public health, negatively affect many aspects of the development of modern society. Therefore, careful management of the MSW management system is of great social importance and needs constant improvement.
In this paper, we propose to look at the MSW management system from the point of view of various scientific approaches, namely, methods of structural analysis, methods of geoinformation technologies, reliability theory for complex technical systems, evergetics, graph theory, and fuzzy logic methods, including the apparatus of linguistic variables. The purpose of the work is to show the possibility of applying and combining the above-mentioned scientific methods, which have proven themselves in other areas peculiar to them, in a new area of organization of the MSW management system. However, the simple application of these approaches is impossible without their further adaptation and systematization in terms of existing approaches to managing such systems.
In this study, elements of the MSW management system were identified and a topological model of this system was constructed. Structural and logical models of reliability were also constructed at various levels of abstraction.Full Text:
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