Security Architectures in Digital Economy Systems

V. O. Piskovski, A. A. Grusho, M. I. Zabezhailo, A. V. Nikolaev, V. V. Senchilo, E. E. Timonina


The article considers the task to protect information when an adversary uses methods of collecting valuable information on indirect signs in the information environment available to attackers. It is assumed that all personal data in the considered information space are anonymized. However, these measures are usually not enough. Using information links, it is possible to overcome the depersonalization of data, as well as to recover other valuable information about the activities of participants in the digital economy. To solve the problem of identifying intruders who are extracting information by indirect signs, it is necessary to have a means of registering subjects, organizations and individuals who have accessed certain data, possibly containing indirect signs of valuable information. Registering the facts of an access must be available on a public resource. If necessary, the registration tool should allow authorized users or a commission consisting of such users to obtain organization and person ids that have accessed the data. The purpose of such a log is to provide services for obtaining comprehensive and reliable information about whom, when and to what extent accessed personal or corporate data processed within the digital economy. It is proposed to use the distributed ledger architecture to solve the problem. This architecture allows you to store data on all calls to databases containing indirect information about valuable data. Protected analysis of the distributed ledger allows you to identify users who are trying to recover this information by indirect signs. At present, the technical and theoretical base is ready for the implementation of such solutions. The article lists the main components for such solutions.

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