The Technologies of Commodity-Money Circulation on the Basis of Personal and Corporative e-Banks

Alexander V. Ilyin, Vladimir D. Ilyin


The review describes three technologies of commodity-money circulation (CMC-technologies) implemented on the basis of personal e-banks (PEBs) owned by individuals and corporate e-banks (CEBs) owned by legal entities. The technology of designated payments and the technologies of payment lending and product lending are presented. The applied meaning of each CMC-technology is defined by a system of rules that direct and control actions of the parties to the agreement on commodity-money circulation (CMC-agreement). In implementation of CMC-technologies, PEBs and CEBs are considered as artificial intelligence systems, endowed with the ability to learn in the process of fulfilling CMC-agreements. Data on controlled events described in the agreements is supplied by digital twins. PEBs and CEBs are to be implemented on the basis of portable computer devices (smartphones, tablets) and stationary computers. CMC-technologies are aimed at improving the economic security of deals and reducing the influence of factors causing a decrease in the tradable capacity of money

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