Development of the method of actualization of a geodatabase in enterprise geoinformation systems based on topological rules

Alexander Samoylov, Olga Khristodulo


Providing gas to industrial enterprises is carried out by specialized organizations using a set of complexes of hierarchically and geographically distributed objects that are interconnected at the regional level, but at the same time are part of the system for providing gas at the federal level.

The process of providing gas to industrial enterprises is associated with the processing of information about objects, the specificity of which lies in the important role of the spatial component. For operational management decision-making, the management of the organization must have complete and reliable information about the objects served, which is provided by updating the spatial information about the objects of gas distribution networks based on the construction of topological relations. To maintain the integrity and consistency of spatial data on gas supply facilities for industrial enterprises, a mechanism is required that will allow checking the topological correctness of the input data and provide access to information about errors that occur when entering information into the database to remote users for their timely correction. Taking into account the high requirements of modern corporate information systems of resource-supplying organizations to spatial data used to model the infrastructure of serviced objects in order to solve analytical and computational problems, the authors proposed topological rules based on the set-theoretic approach, algorithms and mechanisms to identify and eliminate topological errors, thereby allowing to improve the quality of spatial information and ensure its consistency

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