Contemporary Studies in Electronic Documentation (ED) or will the digital person remain a gentleman

Yousef Daradkeh, Petr Korolev


The digital person experiences the influence of an external organizational setting, which is determined by the principles and laws of the digital economy. How harmful is this form of organization to humaneness, the set of properties of human nature that distinguishes it from cyborg? This issue is discussed in this article. The issues of digital identification and certification of things of the surrounding world, identification and certification of the human person and his internal organs, protocols of communication of certified fragments among themselves, questions of aggregation of certified parts into a certain certified whole, issues of working with certification markers are touched upon. The authors proceed from the view that the threats that standardization and certification bear on themselves are overcome, the ways of overcoming this are fixed. This leads to such an answer to the question posed in the title: despite some pressure on humanity from the system of international standardization and certification, the positive effect is still higher, while the gentleman remains a gentleman, albeit with a little digital glamor

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