On circuit switching revival: from General Shalikashvili and Bell Labs heritage (1998) to Intel’s 20.2 Tb/s network-on-chip (2014)

Manfred Sneps-Sneppe


The main goal of the paper is to discuss the world telecommunications strategy in transition to the IP world. We start from a short analyse of US Department of Defense obsolete (channel switching oriented) information networks and the announced plans to implement Software Defined Network and Network Function Virtualization. As a case, we are passing through two generations of American military communications: (1) The implementation of signaling protocol SS7 and Advanced Intelligent Network, (2) Transformation from SS7 to IP protocol and comparing two strategic programs: Joint Vision 2010 and Joint Vision 2020. We discuss technology trends in routers and switches and show circuit-switching advantages versus packet switching in the modern field of Network-on-a-chip. We conclude by sentence: circuit-switching equipment could stay for unpredictable time, especially considering cyber security threats.

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