Analysis of current research trends in urban smart mobility

Vladimir Tregubov


The article discusses the current research trends on basis of bibliometric analysis of articles which included in Web of Science and Scopus databases in topics connected with smart urban mobility. The research period was set from 2012 to 2019. The author applied the basic bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer software to publications obtained from the Dimensions database. The article describes a few topics: selection of the most influential publications by the number of citations, analysis of publication activity by country, analysis of keywords and terms, bibliographic map of research trends, bibliographic map of priority research clusters. The study revealed the most actively developing topics in smart urban mobility. A result of the research is the map showed existing relationship between keywords from the most cited publications in smart urban mobility. In general, bibliometric analysis is one of the most effective methods to get current science trends and to identify the key areas of science development. The results of the study can be used by city authorities, transport companies and scientists to identify trends in smart mobility and to make promising decisions in urban planning.

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