Method of non-bionic stabilization of bipedal walking robotic systems
The paper proposes a method of non-bionic stabilization of bipedal walking robotic systems with mechatronic devices: flywheels, control moment gyroscopes (CMGs) based on linearized models that provides the specified requirements for movement, maneuverability, energy efficiency and speed. The basic provisions that underlie the method are as follows: linearized models are used as the control object; an additional stabilization loop is implemented due to mechatronic structures (a flywheel and / or a CMG); implementation of control systems is based on linear-quadratic controllers; the obtained solutions make it possible to use PID controllers implemented in standard models of industrial controllers; Theoretical evaluation of the obtained solutions is possible based on the criterion introduced in the paper. To implement the method, control synthesis techniques have been developed and adapted to the class of objects under consideration, their features are considered, theoretical solutions to stabilization problems are given, as well as simulation and laboratory experiments confirming the effectiveness of the method. For experimental verification of the method, the non-anthropomorphic biped robot AnyWalker was used. The results of creating walking robots with CMGs stabilized with the developed method are presented. Experiments with the step movement of robots on an irregular surface confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method for the implementation of non-bionic stabilization of walking robotic systems.
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