Model of digital agriculture

Tatiana Astakhova, Michail Kolbanev, Anna Romanova, Alexey Shamin


The information society has reached the next stage of development - it has become digital. The main obstacle to improving the efficiency of smart manufacturing is associated with insufficient digitalization of consumers and society as a whole. The solution of the tasks set in the work was carried out on the basis of the application of general scientific research methods in the framework of comparative, logical, statistical and system analysis. The theoretical aspects of the study are devoted to the issues of digitalization of agriculture and the application of end-to-end technologies in agricultural production in many works of domestic and foreign studies. The methods of empirical and theoretical research are applied, as well as the economic principle of forming a digital portrait of agriculture. The paper presents the development of the information society, depending on the level of digital technology. A general model of digital agricultural production is presented. A conceptual diagram of the organization of agricultural production is presented. The programs of the digital economy of other countries that have been adopted so far, which do not explicitly consider the problems of digitalization of agriculture, are considered, although, without any doubt, one of the key sectors of the digital economy should be digital agriculture, which, being part of the agro-industrial complex (AIC), designed to solve a range of unique problems associated with the production of agricultural products.

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