Methodological approaches to information support for estimating the quality of export of Russian education
The paper considers the estimates of the export quality of Russian education. It is noted that the export of educational services of Russian universities was not considered as a self-sustained industry of Russia. To estimate the quality of export of higher education, it is advisable to proceed from the materials of the operational collection of information from the universities themselves and its subsequent analysis. Given the large number of existing universities, it is advisable to use automated collection and analysis tools based on modern information technologies. Storage of the such data source and the results of their processing requires the creation and implementation of databases, which should contain estimates for various indicators in terms of the efficiency of export of educational services. Based on the methods of system analysis, indicators of evaluating the export efficiency of educational services are considered. A structural diagram of a generalized algorithm for collecting and processing data on the state of export of educational services is presented. To implement this structural scheme, it is proposed to use a three-tier client-server architecture and its components are considered.
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