Distributed infrastructure of the industrial region digital economy ecosystem

E.B. Babayan, R.R. Timirgaleeva, I.Yu. Grishin


The analysis of the main processes taking place in the digital economy in the world is conducted, the place and role of the Russian Federation in the implementation of these processes is shown. The task of the study was the development of proposals for the formation of an industrial ecosystem of the region digital economy. The paper shows that in the ranking of countries implementing technologies for the digitization of economic relations, Russia is in the group of "beginning leaders" (the level of digitalization is higher than the level of economic development), but it is still lagging behind the leading countries, including South Korea,  Netherlands and  China. The article substantiates the conclusion that it is expedient to build a virtual environment on the basis of university data processing centers that are built on new principles based on an innovative engineering solution that allows it to scale and connect new participants as needed without requiring additional investments. The platform of digital products and services is an essential element of the ecosystem of the digital regional economy that allows linking resources and consumers of products and services. The set of the most important tasks that should be solved when creating the organizational and technological platform of the regional ecosystem of the region is substantiated. The creation of a cloud for individual sectors of the economy of the region. Launch of cloud-based industry services and individual projects. Digitalization of the life cycle in the cloud. Development of the environment of business tools. Creation of an integrated system of data centers. The proposed structure of the industrial ecosystem of the digital economy of the region is universal and can be applied for most industries in different regions of the country.

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