Quasi-optimal quaternion genetic algorithm for reorientation of the spacecraft orbit

Ilia Pankratov


The problem of optimal reorientation of the spacecraft orbit is considered in quaternion formulation. Control (acceleration from jet thrust vector orthogonal to the plane of the orbit) is limited in magnitude. It is necessary to minimize the energy costs for the process of reorientation of the spacecraft orbit. The actual special case of the problem, when the spacecraft's orbit is circular and control is constant on adjacent parts of active spacecraft motion was considered. We have to determine the lengths of the sections of the spacecraft motion and the magnitude of control on each section. Original genetic algorithm for finding the trajectories of spacecraft optimal flights is built. Examples of numerical solution of the problem for the case when the difference between the initial and final orientations of the spacecraft's orbit is equal to a few degrees in angular measure are given. Specific features and regularities of the process of optimal reorientation of the spacecraft orbit are established.

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