Blockchain and the common signature protocol
We consider protocol of secure construction and storage of database, named “blockchain”. This protocol may be considered as a common electronic signature scheme. In this case, the main parts are mechanisms of random distribution of rights to sign and responsible signature. We investigate responsible signature as a signature protocol in which signer spend its own resources. An adventure is a minimization of a number of signers with the same reliability. But such protocols have vulnerability against the mechanism of random distribution of rights to sign, and have large non-production costs. To the other hand, if somebody can manage internet traffic, he can block traffic of a not big number of participants. Blockchain tree, that client can see, may be out of date or wrong. It may be a part of another tree, or another (earlier) part of the same tree. If error (the place of gluing) is situated rather far from the current block, then it is difficult to find it. So it’s necessary to use timestamps and take action to minimize the influence of internet control on the protocol of secure construction and storage of database. In this work we propose to apply the common electronic signature protocol, that uses on the telephone conferences, but such that not uses a trust center. We propose our own version of such a protocol. We obtain average value and dispersion of the construction block time and show that the probability that this time will be close to common signature protocol realization time is small.
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Abava Кибербезопасность ИБП для ЦОД
ISSN: 2307-8162