Urban transit system based on mobility as a service

Vladimir Tregubov


The article discusses features of innovative ways to provide urban transport movements based on Mobility as a Service (MAAS). The MAAS allows to realize the technology of intermodal transportations on city transport, which implies a convenient combination of different transport modes. The service users can pay for the single transport trip or, if necessary, they can use packages for a period of time, taking into account their permanent transport preferences. The open and accessible transport system based on the MAAS stimulates more active using of public transport, provides priority of public transport that allows to reduce city traffic and to solve the problem of transport congestion. Author describes the MAAS, highlighted its key elements and mechanisms of elements integration in the transport system. The review of variants of realization of transport systems, on the example of existing solutions of use of MAAS in European cities is given. The components of the MAAS are described, and it is focused on implementation the MAAS in Russian cities.

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