Evaluation and Recommendation IT Governance in Hospital Base on COBIT Framework

Johanes Fernandes Andry, James Surya, Christian Salim, Dela Haeraini


RSAL Mintohardjo is a hospital which is engaged in services, and research. As one of the major hospitals with high complexity business processes, information system audit is required to evaluate the hospital IT service. This research will use one of the COBIT domains of Delivery and Support which will specifically focus on DS5, DS9 and DS10 process. The purpose of the IS audit on hospital is to find a weak point on the application of information systems by the hospital at this time and to evaluate whether to ensure the operational standard of the procedure can support the achievement of the hospital goal. From the results of this study it can be concluded that Domain DS obtained the maturity value of 3 from the expected level 4. It means that the overall hospital has realized the need for the MIS as well as standard procedures, formally documented, and already implemented.

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