Analysis of the Social Efficiency of the Portal «Our City Moscow»

L. Vidiasova, I. Tensina


Nowadays, e-participation portals are actively developing in Russia, allowing to increase the level of citizen participation in solving various state and public issues through information and communication technologies. Portals on urban planning and improvement were especially popular among residents, however, from the scientific and practical point of view, the issue of assessing the social effectiveness of their functioning remains unresolved. In this regard, the role of the analysis of e-participation portals is growing, as this will allow us to assess how correctly the directions of this activity are chosen and what result it brings. The article presents the results of the analysis of the social effectiveness of the portal "Our city Moscow". Using the data posted on the portal in the public domain, a search was made for parameters that allow one to assess how legitimate the portal is, how the entire decision-making cycle is organized, the level of activity, convenience and ease of use, and the effectiveness of the appeals. As a result of the research, the portal proved to be an effective tool for solving urban problems, which allows solving issues of concern to citizens in a short time. At the same time, the analysis made it possible to identify several factors that contribute to reducing the motivation of citizens to use the portal and reduce the potential audience of users.


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