Development of Corpus-Based Tatar-Russian Socio-Political Dictionary of Collocations

A. Galieva, O. Nevzorova


This paper discusses main sources and methodology of compiling the Tatar-Russian Socio-Political Dictionary of collocations. The area of collocations within the language system is of particular importance, and the well-known language-specificity of collocations suggests the need for bilingual collocation dictionaries. Socio-political domain is one of the most dynamically developing spheres of present-day life, with the socio-political vocabulary rapidly developing and being enriched with new lexical items and senses reflecting the realities of the time. The Dictionary is based on data of the available corpora of the Tatar language and is built as a collocation dictionary. The main criteria for selecting linguistic data are those of objective (frequency in the corpus) and subjective evaluation (evaluation of the word from the point of view of its thematic, stylistic and collocational value). The main unit in the Dictionary is the noun phrase formed by filling one of possible semantic-syntactic positions of the word and meeting the criteria of semantic completeness. As an exception, we also included certain combinations of header words with postpositions derived from nouns, as long as the corresponding collocations are typical for socio-political discourse. A special attention is paid to a distinguishing feature of the contemporary Tatar lexicon – synonymy.

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