Information card as the basis of the information-analytical system for the preservation of library collections

Y. V. Katueva, M. A. Belinskaya, A. A. Borimova


The use of information technologies in a complex system for ensuring the preservation and accessibility of library collections is considered. The examination of a state for funds is based on their systematic examination and obtaining assessments of the operational properties of objects. To improve the preservation assessment and develop a stabilization strategy, the modified structure of the object's information card is discussed. This card contains bibliographic data about the document, description of its material base and information about damages observed during the document examination. The survey is aimed at studying the possibility of applying the mathematical apparatus of the control theory for complex system state in the problem on preservation. The problem of preservation control is formulated as a modification of the problem on random process control. Such a problem statement makes it possible to more accurately evaluate and predict the preservation of collections. Further, it is planned to formalize the main characteristics for the object of study, to form the appropriate scales in the parameter space and to introduce indicators of preservation. The article reflects the development of the study, the first results of which were presented on international scientific conference «Internet and Modern Society» (IMS-2018).

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