System-integrated approach in the accumulation of knowledge in the subject field of biomedicine

V.V. Baranjuk, V.V. Nechaev, O.S. Krylova


The article describes, in terms of the system-integrated approach, the presentation, accumulation, combination and further use of knowledge in the biomedical sphere. The relevance of the elaboration and use of approaches ensuring the pertinence of information resources is affected. Pertinence means the correspondence of the information resources found to the information needs of the user, sometimes regardless of how exactly this need is expressed in the request text. In the review, the main tasks were identified and analyzed, aimed at creating an ontological model of the relevant subject area, playing the role of a conceptual semantic model with automated replenishment of data storage with information resources pertinent to queries related to nodes of the ontological model. The world experience in the accumulation of knowledge in the field of biology is considered through the development of several hundred ontologies that are used to describe and integrate knowledge, as well as to derive new knowledge in various areas, including anatomy, biochemistry, biological processes, functions and sequences, the environment, experimental evidence, phenotype, etc. Proposals are proposed to provide a reference link between objects of the ontological model, as well as the development of mechanisms for the use of ontology in biomedical tasks.

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