Selection Methods of Quantitative Processing of Digital Data in Scientific Heritage Studies (A Case Study of Georgy F. Gause's scientific ideas)
The methods of newly appeared field of Digital Humanities are getting more and more popular in the history of science. These methods influence the establishing of digital information resources accumulating and aggregating huge amount of metadata and full text publications. In a previous publication, we used an example of a Russian evolutionary biologist and ecologist Georgy F. Gause to preliminary estimate the potential of digital resources for the science studies including history of science. We selected prioritized resources to be used in further research.
The present study explores the methods of selection, processing and quantitative analysis of data extracted from digital information resources. Our concentration is on the digital information resources offering structured metadata. We selected processed and visualized extracted metadata. Based on the analysis of the achieved results we concluded on the potential of using digital information resources in the history of science. Besides, the possibility of extracting unstructured metadata has been explored.
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