Problems and Perspectives of Language Worker Professional Training

L. N. Beliaeva, O. N. Kamshilova


The article deals with one of Russian higher education current problems, namely training new generation of professionals whose functions are predetermined by the new level of technological and informational development within the frame of 4.0 paradigm, or the 4th technology revolution, that demands a revision of needed professions and professional functions. Among most important professional domains in 4.0 paradigm is the sphere of technical communication, which to a large degree determines urgent information type and quality standards (Information 4.0) for industrial automation processes regulation (Industry 4.0). The demand for «technical communicators» in the ever-growing field of technical communication is always rising, as well as the standard of their corresponding qualifications. The focus is on how well Russian universities are prepared to realize professional training of such specialists. The article considers a possibility of training technical communication specialists on the basis of classical philological / linguistic education. It suggests a master’s program conception for language worker academic education.

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