Formalization of the definition of the relationships of indicators in the model for assessing the quality of complex objects
A heuristic and expert approach to establishing a correlation of concepts in ontological models contrasts the formalized approach. The method of determining the role of each concept in a pair of matched concepts depends on the specific type of connection. Three groups of connections are considered: generic, aggregate and functional. For each of the groups it is proposed to use their own method of analysis. To determine the relationships of indicators in the model of assessing the quality of complex objects, an instrumental connection and a summing relationship (a kind of influence links) that generalizes the instrumental connection are selected. In terms of the goal tree, an indicator that specifies a particular goal is viewed as a means of achieving the goal. The complex index of the upper level is concretized by the characteristics inherent in it by the method of finding the octants of the verbal noun. The relationship between it and the indicator of the lower level of the hierarchy is established when the names of the corresponding concepts coincide. To increase the effectiveness of the coincidence of names, all synonyms of a character characterizing a complex indicator are involved. The article reflects the further development of the case study, the first results of which were published in the materials of the International Scientific Conference Internet and Modern Society (IMS-2018) and the International Seminar "Computer Linguistics".
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