BIM and engineering formalized ontologies on the European digital railway in the EULYNX - data economy

Alеxander Klimov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Alexey Stepanenko, Oleg Pokusaev, Irina Petrunina, Dmitry Katzin, Sergey Sinyagov, Yuri Lipuntsov, Eugene Chebotarev


The article is devoted to the application of BIM and ontologies in the design and operation of the digital railway. It is predicted that global rail transport will double by 2050. To support this growth, the global railway in kilometers by 2050 needs to be increased by about 30% to the level of 2010. This opens the era of a great struggle for the flow of goods and passengers between the railways and the creation of a virtually new transport landscape. And ontologies and conveniences of formalized ontological and semantic languages begin to play a decisive role in this process in order to ensure interoperability of design and operation of railway systems. The EULYNX system, a European initiative in the field of railway signaling, is being considered in order to reduce the cost and time of installation of digital signaling equipment. EULYNX uses formal ontological methods that are closely related to IFC buildibgSmart and their extensions. Today, the IFC Rail infrastructure standard developed and adopted in China as a national standard has every chance of becoming international. The article also discusses ontologies built on the basis of SysML, which have gained popularity in many areas of critical security systems, such as military or aerospace. Some companies in the rail sectors are starting to use SysML for their mission-critical railroad signaling.

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