Weak heap

V.K. Gulakov, K.V. Gulakov


the article is devoted to one variety of pyramidal data structures - a weak pyramid. Some problems where weak pyramids are more effective are considered. A brief comparison of it and its species with the most popular pyramid structure shows the ability to perform basic operations on the data with minimum complexity. The article gives detailed description of the weak pyramid structure in the array form and in the coherent structure form. Preference is given to the connected structure visibility. Examples of performing various operations on the structure under consideration are given with the help of figures, and an assessment of its implementation complexity is given. To increase the efficiency of insertion operations, the approach using buffers is considered. The connection between a weak pyramid and a binomial pyramid is considered. Here the concept of an ideal weak pyramid is used. The article outlines the ways of experimental research of a weak pyramid in various situations and practical problems.

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Gulakov, V.K. Drozhashhaja piramida / V.K. Gulakov, K.V. Gulakov. International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 6, no.1, 2018

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