Interactive graphical environment to control the advanced MIL-STD-1553B multiplex data bus tester and interface module

Dmitry E. Gouriev, Olga R. Laponina, Eugeny E. Stenkin, Petr U. Demyanov


Digital time division command/response multiplex data bus (MIL-STD-1553B) is used in onboard networks of air- and spacecraft, and in some other circumstances. Goals of design, debugging, and validation of interface devices make strong requirements for testing hardware. The «UEM-MK» is a new module which meets the requirements. The module provides concurrent work of a bus controller, up to 32 remote terminals and a bus monitor, injection of all error types used in validation testing, accumulation, and analysis of messages passed over the data bus. Interactive graphical environment (the program) provides control of all functions and features of the module. The program supports creation and execution of scenarios for testing bus interfaces and (or) simulation of network environment, writing bus traffic onto a disk and analyzing the traffic. The article considers functions and features of the program (in union with the module), some details of development and usage of the program. Common organization of the GUI, interfaces to control the bus controller, the remote terminal, the bus monitor, module parameters are considered. Also the main components of internal architecture of the program are described briefly.

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