On transformation of the market of transport and logistics services during the digitalization of the economy

Oleg Larin, Vasily Kupriyanovsky


The article deals with the issues related to changing transport and logistics services in the transition to the digital economy. To preserve and expand market positions, many countries have joined the race to digitize national economies. To give this process a positive focus, the world community is trying to coordinate its activities in the field of building digital social and economic systems. A key role in the digital economy is played by digital platforms. Such platforms are able to integrate all participants in the value chain, distribution channels and consumers, and even individual sectors of the economy. Such platforms are used, for example, by logistics intermediaries that integrate their customers' business processes, connect producers with consumers, provide them with raw materials, components, finished products, manage inventory, calculate and provide other services. Therefore, the logistics sector is becoming a powerful driver for the development and enhancement of the competitiveness of individual companies and entire industries in the global market in the digital age.

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