Mathematical modeling of organization management by value guidelines: algorithms for complex estimation and selection of pseudo-optimal actions

Boris Melnikov, Tatyana Zubova


In this article, we continue the description of mathematical models and algorithms designed to manage an organization based on value guidelines. We offer a fairly effective and at the same time universal algorithm for the integrated assessment and selection of managerial influences on the organization, which are optimal from the point of view of certain criteria. Such criteria should be formulated by experts of the organization according to a special methodology. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the algorithm is the preservation of the relatively constant characteristics of external influences and the absence of global perturbations of the macroeconomic system. For the description of algorithms, we distinguish linguistic variables corresponding to the value variables under consideration. For each such linguistic variable, we determine possible approaches to the calculation of objective functions that describe the influence of management decisions on value norms. After that, we describe the possible algorithms of multi-criteria optimization, designed to determine the pseudooptimal version of the set of management actions. Among the methods considered in this paper, there are: the use of the function of cumulative-extreme choice; the Pareto method and its modification; the use of a qualitative comparison of the significance of the criteria.

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