On the Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation": how to create an Information Infrastructure

Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Vladimir Sukhomlin, Dmitry Namiot


The article deals with issues related to the creation of an information infrastructure for the digital economy. The program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" and the corresponding action plan for the "Information Infrastructure" area of this program are being considered. The work, first of all, covers the issues of the telecommunications component of the information infrastructure. The paper discusses in detail the main provisions of the digital economy program in terms of the information infrastructure, as well as the participation of Rostelecom company in this program. The criticism of the program follows, proceeding from the interests of the telecom industry. The importance of having open interfaces (APIs) and element bases is considered. Further, in the work, the project "Industrial Russia 4.0" is considered and its critical analysis is given. Next, the paper discusses the difficulties of switching to telecommunications networks from switching channels to switching packets (what the Digital Economy program is oriented on) using the example of networks of the US Department of Defense

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