Blockchain Technologies and their Application in Government Administration
The article presents the prospects for using distributed registry technologies (blockchain) in various socio-economic spheres related to state and municipal administration. Provided examples and forecasts of the use of blockchain technologies in the provision of state and municipal services for individuals and legal entities in the following areas:
- formation of a unified register containing the history of the placement of the state, municipal order, as well as procurement of corporations with state participation and / or control;
- registers of documents (diplomas, certificates, lost and disavowed passports, policies for movable and immovable property insurance, health, etc.);
- database of court decisions and executive proceedings;
- portals of public participation of citizens in the affairs of the district - city - country.
The fact that the blockchain technology is, first of all, the principles, and not the only possible way of implementing them, allows us to count on maximum openness and multivariate application in a dynamically changing "digital world".
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ISSN: 2307-8162