Blockchain applications for transport industry

Dmitry Namiot, Oleg Pokusaev, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Andrey Akimov


The article deals with issues related to the use of blockchain in the transport industry. This is not about using crypto-currency approach, but about applying the distributed registry model. In this case, all the nodes of the system will be stored signed and protected by cryptographic mechanisms from the modification of the record of fait accompli or carried out operations. Such systems can store a wide variety of information related to the transport industry. For example, it can be information about the operating conditions (modes of use) of the vehicle. The data collected in this way can be used later, for example, in insurance telematics applications. Another area is the use of a distributed ledger in logistics, especially with global (international) operations. We also discuss the choice of implementation methods - a blockchain based system versus a traditional information system.

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