On breakthrough innovative technologies for infrastructures. The Eurasian digital railway as a basis of the logistic corridor of the new Silk Road

Igor Sokolov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Oleg Dunaev, Sergey Sinyagov, Petr Kurenkov, Dmitry Namiot, Andrey Dobrynin, Andrey Kolesnikov, Mark Gonik


The article deals with issues related to the project of the transport corridor "The Eurasian digital railway - the basis of the logistic corridor Asia - Europe". This project could connect the interests and resources of all countries in order to maximize the benefits and advantages for the economies and residents of these countries, both in the short and long term, by creating the conditions for the participation of all countries in the digital economy and the international division of labor. It is distinguished by high economic efficiency, deep technical and procedural elaboration, sufficiently fast potential ability to be implemented over time, opportunities for using the financial potential of the EAEU and the BRICS countries, and scientific and technical elaboration. It can also become part of China's OBOR initiative (one road is one way or a new Silk Road), which is now supported by the leaders of the countries belonging to the EAEU, the countries of Asia, Europe and Africa and to be a breakthrough innovative infrastructure project for the stable and harmonious economic development of the countries EAEU.

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