Methodical approach to the problem of synthesis and evaluation of the efficiency of an automated geophysical system

Yuriy Polushkovskiy, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Irina Surovceva, Vladimir Skripachev, Vladimir Umnov


The adoption of valid management decisions in the operation of complex technical systems is, in particular, conjugated with the need for monitoring of external conditions. The last is determines the reception and processing of a large amount of heterogeneous information from a different sources coming from several channels of information exchange. The necessary of creating an appropriate automated system is shown by example of geophysical provision of interested services. The system of geophysical support is considered by authors as a subsystem of two systems of a higher level: on the one hand, the source system of the source data (for example, the automated information exchange system of Roshydromet, other departments), and, on the other, the consumer system of output information products. A technique for structural synthesis of an automated geophysical support system is proposed. Indicators of information effectiveness of the system (information efficiency, information reliability and information completeness) and ways of its evaluation are determined. A methodical approach is proposed for the synthesis (selection of the rational composition of technical equipment complexes) of an automated geophysical support system, while limiting the cost of its creation. When choosing a rational option of the system for the "information efficiency-cost" relationship, an approach to the analysis of options using unconditional and conditional preference criteria is applied. The evaluation of the quality of various options for the implementation of the technical structure of the system was carried out using experimental methods, peer review and a comparison method with an analog (non-automated). Prospects for further research are grounded.

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ISSN: 2307-8162