Methodical, Software and Hardware for Identifying Individual Cyber Motion Sickness in Virtual Reality

E.V. Kashkin, D.A. Kopchenova


The widespread use of virtual reality technologies has revealed individual difficulties in the use of software and hardware by some users associated with cyber motion sickness. The article is devoted to the development of methodological, software and hardware support for identifying cyber sickness and determining the influence of technical solution parameters on the perception of virtual reality. When developing application software, the problem of reducing cyber sickness and meeting the requirements for operating speed can currently only be solved experimentally. Methodological support for an experimental study of applications in order to select effective parameters and technologies is proposed. The methodology includes two levels with different tasks in virtual reality; each level is aimed at determining the degree of portability, taking into account the technical characteristics of the equipment and methods of movement. This will allow at the testing stage to identify the dependence of the values of technological parameters of interfaces on their portability by users. As part of the work, a test study was conducted demonstrating the effectiveness of the developed software.

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