Information Security System of the Digital Payments Ecosystem: Optimization of Protection Measures

Alexander Olifirov, Krystina Makoveichuk, Nikita Potapovich


The article proposes an incremental approach to the optimization of protection measures of digital payment ecosystems. It is established that the basis for the development of national economies are information and digital technologies, distributed ledger system and platform solutions, which form new technological ecosystems. It is shown that in modern conditions payment ecosystems are transformed to work with digital national currencies. It is noted that the main problem of realizing the concept of central bank digital currency is to ensure information security of its ecosystem. The target model of creation and use of the payment ecosystem of digital currency of the central bank is defined. The model of payment ecosystem based on payment transaction template is proposed. It is shown that as a result of decomposition based on the incremental approach, it is possible to identify threats and defense measures for each sub-template and each target class of the payment ecosystem of central bank digital currency, that is, it is possible to investigate how each element and service of the CBDC payment ecosystem can be attacked and how this attack can be deflected and weakened. An economic and mathematical model is constructed to optimize the resulting complete set of protection measures for the digital payment ecosystem.


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