Virtual museum of cyber incidents: the reality of digital artifacts
The article is devoted to the new scientific and technological profile of the museum, generated by the modern era of digital transformation of various spheres of human activity and their cybersecurity, definitions of artefacts, museum objects and their values in terms of technogenic security, in particular risks and cyber incidents of information, functional, and fire safety. Taking into account the positions of international and domestic agendas in the field of museology and the introduction of new digital technologies, the features of the formation of a virtual museum of cyber incidents in the paradigm of transposing accepted forms and methods of presenting artifacts through the prism of the reality of digital artifacts of cyber incidents are considered. The basics of the concept of the virtual museum of cyber incidents of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia as a comprehensive digital cyber environment for scientific and technological research, education, enlightenment and promotion of domestic technologies and information security tools and information protection of various aspects of technosphere security are presented.
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