Experience of Forecasting Maritime Traffic Intensity Based on Computer Analysis of Online Marine Charts of the Panama Canal
The article discusses the results of forecasting time series compiled from the number of ships in the Panama Canal based on the use of primary information on the number of ships that passed through the selected sea straits during one hour in the period from March 1 to March 31, 2021. The information necessary for compiling the discussed time series was extracted automatically using a software tool developed by the authors from publicly available online nautical charts posted on the Internet. The obtained time series compiled from the number of sea vessels are presented. A time series forecasting technique is described that integrates formal forecasting methods and the Data Assimilation method. A comparative analysis of the forecasting accuracy of selected time series obtained using formal time series models (AR, etc.) and the integration technique is performed. It is demonstrated that the forecasting accuracy based on the integration of formal time series forecasting methods and the DA method is higher than the similar value in the case of forecasting based on an AR model of a time series of any order.
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