Source Code Change Vectorization Using Additive-Subtractive Embeddings
This paper presents a novel method for vector representation of source code changes in the task of automatic commit message generation. We propose an Additive-Subtractive Embeddings (ASE) algorithm based on git diff decomposition and accounting for the semantic contribution of added and removed code fragments. The methodology incorporates a three-component decomposition of changes, vectorization of components using the pre-trained CodeBERT model, and their subsequent integration through linear operations in the embedding space.
The developed method is implemented as a modification of the T5 architecture, augmented with a projection layer for integrating change vectors. Experimental validation was conducted on a corpus of commits from open repositories using the BLEU metric. Results demonstrate improved generation quality: the model with integrated ASE mechanism achieves a BLEU score of 12.04% compared to 11.97% for the baseline architecture while maintaining computational efficiency.
Analysis of the training process confirms the methodological validity of the proposed approach: stable training convergence, absence of overfitting, and preserved inference speed are observed. The obtained results indicate the promise of using additive-subtractive embeddings for semantic analysis of source code changes.
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