Investigation of asymptotics of solutions of second-order differential equations with meromorphic coefficients

Shiyao Cheng


This paper investigates the asymptotic expansions of solutions to second-order ordinary differential equations with meromorphic coefficients in the vicinity of irregular singular points. Unlike regular singular points, irregular singular points are characterized by the presence of exponential terms in the solutions, which is related to the fact that the leading coefficient of the differential operator tends to zero faster than allowed for regular singularities. The primary focus is on computing all the coefficients in these expansions, both in cases where the roots of the principal symbol of the differential operator are simple and where they are multiple. Additionally, particular attention is given to the case where the equation contains multiple roots, as such situations significantly complicate the structure of the asymptotic expansions of solutions. The study proves that for any equation with multiple roots, there always exists a transformation that reduces it to an equivalent equation with simple roots while simultaneously decreasing the order of degeneracy of the differential operator. Furthermore, it is shown that in some cases, such a transformation can convert the equation into a Fuchsian-type equation, i.e., a regular one. The results obtained extend asymptotic analysis methods to a broader class of singular differential equations, including those with a high degree of degeneracy.

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