Sysmon Log Analysis Methods for Cyber Threat Detection
In the modern world, where cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated, the analysis of system logs plays a key role in ensuring the security of information systems. Logs provide valuable information about events occurring on the network, allowing you to detect abnormal actions that may indicate attacks or security breaches. Regular monitoring and analysis of this data helps in the rapid identification of incidents, which contributes to a prompt response and minimization of damage. In addition, system logs are an important tool for investigating incidents, allowing you to determine the causes and extent of attacks. With the constant increase in the number of cyber threats, competent log analysis is becoming vital to protect organizations and their data. Sysmon is a powerful log analysis solution that can significantly improve the security of the information infrastructure. With Sysmon, you can monitor changes in the file system, network connections, and running processes, which allows you to identify suspicious activities and anomalies. This tool integrates with SIEM systems, which simplifies data analysis and correlation. This paper is devoted to an overview of existing methods and solutions for analyzing Sysmon logs to detect malicious software
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