Extracting Training Data: Risks and solutions in the context of LLM security

Denis V. Gerasimenko, Dmitry Namiot


The quality of results from modern language models is inextricably linked to the amount of data on which the model is trained. Recent high-profile investigations around companies in artificial intelligence were precisely related to the illegal use of information obtained from the Internet. Another side of the fight for the use of user data is the tacit expansion of user agreements, where the company is allowed to use the obtained information to train its models. This paper is devoted to analyzing of modern problems related to the extraction of training data from large language models (LLM), such as the GPT and Llama families. Using large amounts of unstructured data to train modern models makes these models attractive targets for attacks to gain access to this data or its characteristics. The article highlights the taxonomy of attacks aimed at extracting training data and describes the consequences that can arise from the illegal use of language models. The study showed that without proper protection, training data can be used by attackers to recover confidential information, which in turn threatens not only users but also the reputation of organizations.

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