Class functionality and its related concepts: research and practice

Alexander Prutzkow


A class functionality in object-oriented programming is a part of the application programming interface (API). We reveal concepts related to the class functionality. The functionality includes an abstract functionality – a set of abstract methods. The main characteristic of the functionality is its stability. The functionality of a new version must ensure backward compatibility. Version numbers are used to indicate backward compatibility or incompatibility. Backward compatibility can be source, binary, or functional. The evolution of the functionality consists of its modification or extension. In case of breaking changes, a good practice is to mark old methods as deprecated without removing. The evolution of the abstract functionality differs from the evolution of the class functionality. Adding or removing a method in the abstract functionality is backward-incompatible. Depending on the change of the functionality in subclasses, inheritance can be functionally extendible or functionally overridable. We introduce a pattern style “Abstraction Raising” to improve stability. The style consists of using more abstract items. We identified such items for a type, variable, field, class, and constructor. We demonstrate an example of using the pattern style when changing the return type. We investigate relationships between the class functionality and the considered concepts in practice. We survey scientific articles with statistical data characterizing the relationships.

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