Technologies for Protecting Intangible Assets from Confidentiality Attacks

Georgy Garbuzov


The article considers the essence of an intangible asset, its role in the modern economy, and the importance of protecting intangible assets from confidentiality attacks. In particular, the properties of intangible assets that determine the existence of relevant threats to information security that are not inherent in traditional tangible assets are considered. An approach to analyzing existing technologies for protecting intangible assets based on the data life cycle is also proposed and their comparative analysis is carried out. Statement of the problem: to review existing technologies for protecting intangible assets and to propose a methodology for selecting one or more technologies for use in a commercial enterprise. Results: the significance of intangible assets for a commercial enterprise is assessed and the relevance of the problem of their proper protection is confirmed, an overview of existing protection technologies for various stages of the data life cycle is conducted, and current issues in certain areas are identified. Practical significance: the proposed approaches can be used by specialists in commercial and non-profit organizations when designing information security systems to protect intangible assets. Discussion: An approach to building a technological system for protecting intangible assets based on the data life cycle is presented.

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