On cyberattacks using Artificial Intelligence systems

Dmitry Namiot


This article discusses one aspect of the use of Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity. It is about cyberattacks that can be carried out using Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. AI-enabled cyberattacks can be defined as any hacking operation that relies on the use of AI mechanisms. Another term used is offensive AI. AI-based cyberattacks are undoubtedly changing the cybersecurity landscape. First of all, it is necessary to talk about the speed of implementation of attacks and their scaling. AI-based cyberattacks involve the use of advanced machine learning algorithms to identify vulnerabilities, predict patterns, and exploit weaknesses. Efficiency and rapid data analysis enhance the ability of hackers to gain a tactical advantage, resulting in rapid intrusions or destruction of data. Traditional cybersecurity methods are no longer sufficient to combat sophisticated attacks, as AI-enabled cyberattacks adapt and evolve in real time. In addition, the introduction of AI systems in cyber defense creates new risks. AI systems themselves become targets of adversarial attacks. The article discusses general issues of organizing cyber attacks using AI and provides taxonomy and examples of such attacks.

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