Development of an algorithm for information interaction in sensor systems and a model for estimating computational complexity

D. Maslova


This article focuses on the development of an algorithm for information interaction in sensor systems. In the context of this paper, a sensor system will be understood as a set of informationally, energetically and physically connected sensor devices. The object of the study is wireless sensor systems. The subject of the study is information interaction algorithms and computational complexity model. The purpose of the work is to develop an algorithm of information interaction and a model for evaluating computational complexity in sensor systems. In the course of analyzing the most common algorithms for finding the shortest path, it was found that these algorithms involve a large number of calculations, to reduce them can be narrowing the search area. The proposed algorithm is based on the corollary of the cosine theorem proved in previous works. To compare the number of calculations, the computational complexity of the algorithm was evaluated and compared with existing algorithms for shortest path search.

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