Features of the development of the digital twin drilling rig information system project based on big data technologies, machine learning, and the Internet of Things

Peter Boldyrev


The article considers a schematic diagram of the development of an information system for a digital twin of a drilling rig based on elements of the fourth industrial revolution ("Industry 4.0"). Subsystems using artificial intelligence algorithms, Internet of Things technology (IoT-InternetofThings), big data (BigData) are investigated. The interrelation of subsystems with the solution of information system tasks is analyzed. The characteristics of the hardware are described, as well as ways of storing and presenting information system data.Special attention is paid to modeling the types of information requests and data transmission methods. A list of technical and software tools is described, with the help of which there is a fundamental possibility of implementing the project. Numerical metrics of parameters are given, on the basis of which quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the information system project are predicted.

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