Augmented Reality Applications in STEM Education: A Review

Fredrick Ishengoma, Lucian Ngeze, Placidius Ndibalema


In recent years, augmented reality (AR) technologies have garnered more attention as a potential game changer for teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. AR uses computer vision and wearable technology, allowing users to participate in an increasingly realistic and interactive world by layering digital content over physical reality. This paper looks comprehensively at various aspects of AR applications in STEM teaching and learning, offering a reasoned analysis of the opportunities and problems faced in adopting this new technology. The study argues that AR can promote student engagement and learning in a wide range of fields through various application examples. However, the barriers to widespread usage have long been the complexity of technology, lack of funds, and the issue of equity. Alongside these constraints come various strategies for surmounting them. In addition, the paper identifies areas for future research and development, such as novel pedagogical approaches as ways of teaching and inclusive access to AR technology, as well as benefiting from user-friendly authoring tools.

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