Investigation of methods for correcting geometric distortion in a video

S. E. Myasnikov, K.V. Ezhova


The article discusses the existing methods of correcting radial distortion for video images. In the modern world, visual data plays a key role in various fields, including medicine, the automotive industry, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and many others. However, when images are obtained, distortions occur, which can seriously affect the accuracy and reliability of data analysis. One of the most common types of distortion is image distortion – distortion of the geometric shapes of objects in the image due to imperfections of optical systems or distortion during data transmission. The study of image distortion correction methods is an urgent and important task in the field of computer vision and image processing. Effective methods of distortion correction allow you to improve the quality of images, while maintaining important geometric characteristics of objects on them. The exact correction of radial distortion is important especially for many optical recognition tasks, primarily because distortion distorts straight lines, and many algorithms for selecting and analyzing objects are built on the detection of rectilinear segments. At the same time, for processing a video stream with aberrations, several strict requirements are imposed both at the hardware level and at the software implementation level. For video surveillance cameras, such requirements are their technical characteristics, which should provide a sufficiently high quality of the transmitted video stream for the tasks of subsequent recognition of objects on it. For software, this is the required speed for real–time operation and the required accuracy of algorithms. In this paper, an in-depth analysis of existing methods of distortion correction is carried out, their applicability and acceptable parameters of optical systems with parameters of the output video image are investigated. The first section discusses the concept of radial distortion and its types. The second section presents the main approaches to correcting radial distortion. The third section contains a description of the concept of the system being developed and the prospects for its further development within the framework of research work.


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