Algorithms and programs for analysis and synthesis devices based on distributed and lumped circuits
An algorithm and programs for analysis and synthesis of devices based on distributed and lumped circuits are described. The analysis algorithms are based on the decomposition of device designs represented by circuits with distributed parameters and circuits with lumped parameters. Mathematical models of distributed circuits represent the result of solving telegraphic equations, depending on the system of per unit length parameters and structural dimensions of the object of research. Coupled strip lines are taken as an example of such an object. Mathematical models of lumped circuits are built on the basis of Kirchhoff's equations. Decomposition of the devices under consideration allows us to construct an algorithm for analyzing the frequency characteristics of distributed and lumped circuit’s blocks independently of each other. At the same time, the inverse problem of determining the equivalent impedance of lumped circuits was posed and solved to obtain the specified device parameters, provided that the parameters of the distributed circuits are known. As a result, an algorithm for synthesizing a device with a specified frequency dependence of its parameters was constructed. An algorithm for recomposing a device from separately considered parts in the form of distributed and lumped circuits has been proposed and implemented. The developed analysis and synthesis algorithms served as the basis for the development of a set of programs for the analysis and synthesis of devices with specified frequency characteristics.
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