Organize- and Software of Scientific Conference Proceedings Publication
Based on the results of three scientific conferences “Information exchange in interdisciplinary research” (IEIS) we publish five proceedings (main and special). We present the experience of the organize- and software publishing in the article. Organizeware consists of the stages of publishing the proceedings and the organization of such work. The software includes a word processor, supporting programs and additional data (fonts, graphics). Publishing proceedings consists of (1) preparing a template, (2) collecting articles and formatting them according to given rules, (3) layout, (4) checking the proceedings by a proofreader, (5) publishing a preliminary issue and making comments on the preliminary issue in proceedings, (6) publications of the proceedings. The proceedings were made up by two secretaries, who prepared the articles according to the rules, and an editor, who combined the articles into a proceedings. We type up proceedings in the Microsoft Word version 2010. The layout used styles, regular expressions, document properties for duplicate data, reviewing, comparing documents, string recording of formulas, viewing two parts of a document simultaneously and other features of this word processor. Each part of the article has its own style. The styles are numbered in order of parts. We use regular expressions in replacements to find design inconsistencies. We use in the proceedings a serif font for the text of articles and a sans-serif font for headings, surnames, names and patronymics of the authors, their places of work, and annotations. The strict color scheme of the proceedings includes five colors, as well as white. We design the conference web page with the same color scheme. We publish proceedings in PDF format. To reduce the proceedings file size, the quality of the images was reduced and unused objects were removed. When laying out the proceedings, we use the principles of visual web design.
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PDF (Russian)References
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