Peculiarities of E-Governance in Russian Regions: Preliminary Analysis of Regional Rankings and Statistics

Yu. A. Kabanov, A. V. Chugunov


Despite centralization and unification trends, the regions of Russia demonstrate significant disproportions in the development of e-government, digital governance and e-participation. The article presents a pilot study, aimed at revealing possible predictors of the variance. Using correlation analysis, we test significance of interrelationship between selected peculiarities of the regions and their performance on e-government and e-participation, including the new initiatives (Feedback Platform, social media pages of the regional authorities). The results suggest that both “demand” and “supply” variables may be important. The most significant correlation has been found between the development of digitalization and the quality of life in a region, yet the quality of supply seems to depend on ICT-budgets and government effectiveness, as well. The results of several pilot studies reveal the need to accumulate the regional statistical data for its more systematic analysis. In order to solve this task, we are currently working on the special analytical system, which will allow to automate the process of analysis of regional rankings from 2020.

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